The EUVET project is a Leonardo da Vinci - transfer of innovation - project, called "Tranferring European VET structures to cover biomass skill needs", whose acronym is BIOMASS EUVET. 

The main objective is the transfer of the European structures of vocational education and training to cover the professional needs of the biomass boilers installers.

The project identified the necessary skills and competences a biomass boilers installer should have to develop a VET (vocational education and training) structure for the biomass sector, which allows the establishment of a qualification system for the future, in accordance with the needs of the market
AIMS Biomass Euvet project was created with the aim of developing a vocational education and training structure for the biomass sector at European level through the identification of the necessary skills, the participation of employers of the sector and the use of European common tools to promote the transparency and the recognition of the competences. 
Also, this project supported the implementation of the "New Skills for New Jobs" strategy by improving the competences and skills of the biomass sector as part of the new "green job" market. 
Other main objectives were the boost for the development of the European biomass sector in countries which high biomass resources potential enables to facilitate the job creation and rural development.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.